“Discover The 7 Steps To A Perfect Golf Swing”
There are 7 steps to a perfect golf swing. Find out how the first step, your grip, can have a phenomenal effect on your game, from fairway blasting drives to the most subtle chip shots. This tutorial will give you the golf grip secrets your buddies will want to know! Whether you want to tell them is for you, and your conscience, to decide!
Why Is the Grip So Important?
If you want to have a powerful, accurate golf swing it pays to understand how to maximize the effectiveness of your grip.
The grip is often known as the steering wheel of the golf swing, in the sense that a good grasp of the golf club will get your shots to their destination. Making sure your hands are appropriately placed to guide your swing is the first obstacle to overcome, if you want a perfect golf swing.
Remember, as you read this, that a golfer’s grip is a powerfully individual component of their golf swing. Every golfer’s ideal grip is as different as their choice of clubs or golf shirt. Now, this does mean you’re going to have to hit some balls to perfect your own individual approach, but there are some key secrets to a good grip, for every golfer.
1. You need to place the golf club in your left hand, so that the club crosses your left palm, from the forefinger’s base to the pad above your pinky finger.
2. Make sure you hold the handle steady with the fingers of your left hand, while wrapping the palm around the top of the club’s grip.
3. The club goes across the left palm (image above on left)
4. Wrap your palm around the top of the grip in the fingers (image above on right)
Did you know?
The grip has more effect on the flight of the ball than anything else in golf. It’s the foundation that the rest of the swing is built on and the reason why it’s the first port of call in any search for the perfect golf swing.
If you’re having problems with the flight pattern of your shots, the chances are you need to start by looking at the way you hold your club. In many cases, addressing issues with the grip can have a noticeable quick win impact.
At its core, you need to make sure you grip the golf club in your fingers. The further into the palm you grip, the slower your golf swing will be. Not only will you get a faster grip from holding the club in your fingers, you’ll also close the clubface quicker.
Correcting Common Golf Swing Errors:
Slicing the ball? You’ll need to move the club further into the fingers
Hooking the ball? You’ll need to move your left hand further up into the palm area.
Right Hand
Hopefully, you now have a good idea of how you need to be gripping the club with your left hand. It’s now time to address the right hand.
* 3. Place your right hand on the side of your right leg. Bring it slowly towards the base of the golf club.
* 4. Your right hand will need to be placed more in the fingers than the palm. Fold the right hand around the fingers of your left hand.
* 5. Important- Keep both palms facing each other at all times. There is no flexibility on this, it must be done. It’s not difficult, thankfully.
* Move your Right Hand Towards the bottom of your Left Hand (image above on left)
* Fold your Right Hand around the Fingers of your Left Hand (image above in center)
* Make sure that both palms face each other (image above on right)
Congratulations, you now have covered the essentials of gripping your golf club! But before you book that ultimate golfing vacation, you may want to work on it a little. Experiment to make sure the grip is tuned to your golfing needs and playing style. Think of this as the building blocks of a killer grip, and the swing that will follow.
With the basics covered, the next thing to cover will be the grip variations available. Think of these variations as a way of pinpointing your individual style, to find the golf swing that’s best for you.
A Note On Golf Club Grips
Before we discuss the important topic of grip variations, it’s worth taking a moment to cover the grip you have fitted on your golf clubs.
Most clubs will have a “men’s” grip or a “ladies’” grip. If you have smaller hands the clubs should have a “ladies’” grip fitted, even if you have “men’s” clubs.
Larger hands should have golf clubs with “men’s” grips fitted. To complicate matters further, you can have “jumbo” grips for larger hands or those who suffer arthritis. Very small hands can benefit from “junior” grips.
Why worry about the grips fitted to your golf clubs? Well, the size of the grip, in relation to your hand size, affects the flight and travel of the ball.
Larger grips will take to make players fade the ball, while smaller grips will tend to make players draw the ball.
Grip VariationsWhile there’s more than one way to grip a golf club, there’s no need to get overwhelmed by the choices available. Simple experimentation will allow you to eliminate those that don’t suit your style, pretty quickly. Here are some tips to get you set with the right grip variation for you.
interlocking grip
As a guide, the interlocking grip will tend to suit those who have smaller hands and fingers. Its key benefit is that it helps to wrap your fingers and palm around the grip handle.
overlapping grip
Overlapping Grip
For those with larger hands, the overlapping grip is the most likely grip to work for you.
Of course these are the correct ways to hold your club, but that’s not all you can do to help shape your own personal grip style. You can apply these grips to the club in three different ways.
The above-mentioned grips are the proper way to hold a club- however there are three different ways you can apply them to the golf club.
weak gripneutral gripstrong grip
* The Weak Position has no knuckles of the left hand showing (left image)
* The Neutral Position has one knuckle of the left hand showing (center image)
* The Strong Position Has 2/3 knuckles of the left hand showing (right image)
If you experiment with the different positions, you can adjust the best position for you. If your swing curves to the right, move towards strong position. If the ball curves to the left, move towards weak position.
If this correction allows you to hit the golf ball without curve, stop- you have the right position. Don’t experiment any further!
Grip Pressure
Now that you can picture the right grip, it’s time to think about the last component of the perfect golf grip; the pressure you apply to the club. You may or may not be surprised to learn that it’ll have a significant impact on your golf swing. In any case, it’s vital to get it right.
Grip the club tightly and your arm will swing slower, taking longer for the clubface to release in the downswing. If you hook the golf ball, this is actually beneficial.
So, if you normally slice the golf ball, you need to reverse this and apply a light touch to the ball. Gripping the club lightly will cause the swing to be faster and release quicker for the downswing.
You’ll know that you have the correct pressure when you can hit the ball without it curving. Once you find that pressure, keep practicing to get the pressure consistent.
This Is Stage One Of The Perfect Golf Swing
Hopefully you can now imagine the improvements to your swing and you’re keen to put this tutorial into practice. However, you will remember that this is just stage one of the seven secrets of a perfect golf swing.
If you can master each of the elements, you’ll have a golf swing that’ll be the envy of your golfing buddies, maybe even the other members of your club!
Article Source
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Perfect Golf Swing Tips
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2:47 PM
Labels: golf swing, Golf Tips
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