Sunday, July 29, 2007

Adam Scott Irresistible Life

Adam Scoot, 27, is an Australian with flair, style and a knack for winning big time golf tournaments. The no.4 player in the world has 12 victories on four different continents, including the 2004 players Championships. Add to that fashion sense and easygoing personality, and it's easy to see why he is become a fan favorite both abroad and in States.

A Love For Winning My passion for golf really just comes from wanting to win. O mean, nothing beats winning. if you're a competitive person, which i am, that's the reason you play the game.

Down Under I grew up at beach, and everything is very relaxed here in Australia. Basically, it all happens grow up-the golf course, the beaches, and great weather all year round. It really is a dream lifestyle.

Top Of The World Golf-Wise, I feel Like the next few years are going tobe the biggest of my career. I've gotten my self to a position where i am one of the best players in the world and i feel like i'm meant to be there. I've put my self in a position to win a lot of tournaments and hopefully some bigs tournaments. These are the years where i feel all my dreams as a kid come true.

A Model On The Side it seems like modeling these days is just sitting there with a blank look at your face.if it where any harder than that, i don't think any i'd be any good. It's fun to do photo shoots, there are a bunch of nice clothes, people fussing over you, it's certainly not like a day at the golf course, but i enjoy it once in a while.

STYLISH GUY Being associated with Burberry for the last six years, i've learned a lot. On The Course, my style is influenced by them. And living in Europe, it's a pretty fashion conscious place, especially the big city like London, I have dual personalities when it comes to style, i have a wardrobe in London full of Burberry clothes, so i look pretty sharp and stylish. In Australia, I have the oldest, rattiest beach clothes you can find-sandals and board shorts.

1 comment:

suwii said...

hey cool interview!
where did you get it?? Thanks heaps! can you please share it at the adam scott fan forum?

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